Friday, September 29, 2017

Travel Day 1!

Now that we've had some sleep, here is a more in depth update of our travel adventures! Everything went smoother than we could ever dream of! Kids arrived on time and we got to our gate in SF with time to spare. We arrived in Japan mid afternoon, made it through customs and immigration with no issues, found our luggage then shipped it to Nanao! We finally left the airport and took a 75 minute train to Kyoto station the a 45 minute bus ride to the youth hostel. We had an awesome dinner and then went to bed to get ready for a big day of sightseeing! We'll update you tonight from Nanao!


  1. Thank you! ありがとう!Arigatou gozaimasu!
    For let us to travel with the group by the blog wow! nice pics and beautiful to see everyone starting to have a good time...Say Hello to my son Diego... "こんにちは" genki des ka !

  2. Love the pictures, thanks for letting us be along for the ride!
