Thursday, October 6, 2016

We made it!

This was the most adventurous start to a JW trip ever!  The short story is that we are on the plane about three hours into our flight.  We just finished lunch and everyone has settled down for the long haul across the Pacific.

The details.  In spite of the auspicious beginning with everyone arriving right on time and our efficient check-in, once we said our good-byes and were seated at the gate, we were told there was a maintenance issue with the plane.  The delay would be short.  Okay, no problem.  We either wait here, or we wait at SFO.  We have to wait somewhere.

Until it became longer.  A crew member came in from the plane saying that although the required fix was "quick and easy," they couldn't do it.  A crew had to be dispatched from SFO to come make the rush hour...through some of the worst congested highways IN THE NATION!  Okay, that is understandable.  We don't to fly in a plane that needs maintenance.  They said we'd depart at 7:45...plenty of time, right?

Until they re-estimated for 9:30.  Hmmm....need to ask about options.

"What happens if the required fix takes longer than expected? What are our options?"
"Oh, it won't.  It is just a bad light bulb.  It's the one that illuminates the Emergency Exit sign."
"Hmmm....okay...but what if they can't get here because of the traffic...through some of the worst traffic congestion IN THE NATION!?  Our flight to Japan leaves at 11:15."
"Hmmm....let me make a phone call....!

 "OK, here are your options:

1) Wait for the maintenance crew to make the fix, then fly as originally planned.
2) We put you in cabs to SFO
3) Re-book your flight to tomorrow"

"We would like Option #2.  Immediately, please!"

We split up into groups for the cabs, and off we went...sort of.  The last cab didn't leave Monterey until nearly 8:30...and two taxis had to stop for gas in Gilroy...and the drivers didn't use smartphone maps to gauge traffic and so drove up 101, one of the most congested highways in the nation AT THE PEAK OF RUSH HOUR!

Fortunately the gate crew back in Monterey didn't abandon us.  They called their SFO counterparts and explained.  we kept them informed of our whereabouts.  They said they would hold up the plane for us, if necessary, at least for a little while.  That was re-assuring....sort of.  The first cab arrived at SFO and we got things going while waiting for the others to trickle in.  The ticketing crew re-checked our bags, and once all had arrived and were cleared, the ticket agent supervisors themselves led us through security, and then we madly dashed for the gate.  The doors were still open, we were going to make it.  When the last of us sat down in our seats, it was 11:13AM.  We made it indeed.

Just after sitting down I received a status update for our Monterey flight: estimated arrival time 11:27!


  1. Good God! What anot ordeal!!!! Makes for a good nap or need for a quick hair dye for all of those grey hairs all of you acquired between 4:30-11:13. Safe travels! Thank you for keeping our kids safe and choosing option 2.

  2. Did anyone get to eat breakfast?

  3. Oh geez, Silvia. Out of all of that your only question is about breakfast? Hahaha! I love you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
